Tips to keep you safe this snowy season – by Lisa Oliveira
Every year when we move our clocks back to standard time I am brought back a memory of being stranded in the truck for 4 days in North Bay, during a terrible winter storm. I had always carried extra supplies and was prepared for anything that could happen. So, I thought that I would share my tips, and hopefully help you prepare for the possibility of having to deal with the same thing.
Extra blankets, and a sleeping bag- always good to have in the truck
Lunch box cooker- these can be purchased in the truck stops for under $40.00. They are perfect for heating up a meal, can of soup, or pretty much anything that you have prepared
Extra socks, gloves, and a few changes of clothes
Candles – as they can provide lifesaving heat- if your truck dies for any reason
Cell phone charger
Foldable shovel, and a bag of cat litter (self-explanatory)
Books or movies- something to keep your mind occupied
A few other mechanical tips are:
Always make sure you have extra windshield washer fluid.
Keep your fuel tanks full.
Clean your mirrors, and windows before you leave.
And the most important tip that I can give you is that we are not hauling a load of human hearts.
If it is too bad to drive, don’t, find some place safe to pull over and call dispatch. Nothing is
worth risking your life or the lives of others.